home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <qdatetime.h>
- #include <qmainwindow.h>
- #include <qstatusbar.h>
- #include <qmessagebox.h>
- #include <qmenubar.h>
- #include <qapplication.h>
- #include <qpainter.h>
- #include <qprinter.h>
- #include <qlabel.h>
- #include <qimage.h>
- #include <qprogressdialog.h>
- #include "canvas.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- // We use a global variable to save memory - all the brushes and pens in
- // the mesh are shared.
- static QBrush *tb = 0;
- static QPen *tp = 0;
- class EdgeItem;
- class NodeItem;
- class EdgeItem: public QCanvasLine
- {
- public:
- EdgeItem( NodeItem*, NodeItem*, QCanvas *canvas );
- void setFromPoint( int x, int y ) ;
- void setToPoint( int x, int y );
- static int count() { return c; }
- void moveBy(double dx, double dy);
- private:
- static int c;
- };
- static const int imageRTTI = 984376;
- class ImageItem: public QCanvasRectangle
- {
- public:
- ImageItem( QImage img, QCanvas *canvas );
- int rtti () const { return imageRTTI; }
- bool hit( const QPoint&) const;
- protected:
- void drawShape( QPainter & );
- private:
- QImage image;
- QPixmap pixmap;
- };
- ImageItem::ImageItem( QImage img, QCanvas *canvas )
- : QCanvasRectangle( canvas ), image(img)
- {
- setSize( image.width(), image.height() );
- #if !defined(Q_WS_QWS)
- pixmap.convertFromImage(image, OrderedAlphaDither);
- #endif
- }
- void ImageItem::drawShape( QPainter &p )
- {
- // On Qt/Embedded, we can paint a QImage as fast as a QPixmap,
- // but on other platforms, we need to use a QPixmap.
- #if defined(Q_WS_QWS)
- p.drawImage( int(x()), int(y()), image, 0, 0, -1, -1, OrderedAlphaDither );
- #else
- p.drawPixmap( int(x()), int(y()), pixmap );
- #endif
- }
- bool ImageItem::hit( const QPoint &p ) const
- {
- int ix = p.x()-int(x());
- int iy = p.y()-int(y());
- if ( !image.valid( ix , iy ) )
- return FALSE;
- QRgb pixel = image.pixel( ix, iy );
- return qAlpha( pixel ) != 0;
- }
- class NodeItem: public QCanvasEllipse
- {
- public:
- NodeItem( QCanvas *canvas );
- ~NodeItem() {}
- void addInEdge( EdgeItem *edge ) { inList.append( edge ); }
- void addOutEdge( EdgeItem *edge ) { outList.append( edge ); }
- void moveBy(double dx, double dy);
- // QPoint center() { return boundingRect().center(); }
- private:
- QPtrList<EdgeItem> inList;
- QPtrList<EdgeItem> outList;
- };
- int EdgeItem::c = 0;
- void EdgeItem::moveBy(double, double)
- {
- //nothing
- }
- EdgeItem::EdgeItem( NodeItem *from, NodeItem *to, QCanvas *canvas )
- : QCanvasLine( canvas )
- {
- c++;
- setPen( *tp );
- setBrush( *tb );
- from->addOutEdge( this );
- to->addInEdge( this );
- setPoints( int(from->x()), int(from->y()), int(to->x()), int(to->y()) );
- setZ( 127 );
- }
- void EdgeItem::setFromPoint( int x, int y )
- {
- setPoints( x,y, endPoint().x(), endPoint().y() );
- }
- void EdgeItem::setToPoint( int x, int y )
- {
- setPoints( startPoint().x(), startPoint().y(), x, y );
- }
- void NodeItem::moveBy(double dx, double dy)
- {
- QCanvasEllipse::moveBy( dx, dy );
- QPtrListIterator<EdgeItem> it1( inList );
- EdgeItem *edge;
- while (( edge = it1.current() )) {
- ++it1;
- edge->setToPoint( int(x()), int(y()) );
- }
- QPtrListIterator<EdgeItem> it2( outList );
- while (( edge = it2.current() )) {
- ++it2;
- edge->setFromPoint( int(x()), int(y()) );
- }
- }
- NodeItem::NodeItem( QCanvas *canvas )
- : QCanvasEllipse( 6, 6, canvas )
- {
- setPen( *tp );
- setBrush( *tb );
- setZ( 128 );
- }
- FigureEditor::FigureEditor(
- QCanvas& c, QWidget* parent,
- const char* name, WFlags f) :
- QCanvasView(&c,parent,name,f)
- {
- }
- void FigureEditor::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
- {
- QPoint p = inverseWorldMatrix().map(e->pos());
- QCanvasItemList l=canvas()->collisions(p);
- for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) {
- if ( (*it)->rtti() == imageRTTI ) {
- ImageItem *item= (ImageItem*)(*it);
- if ( !item->hit( p ) )
- continue;
- }
- moving = *it;
- moving_start = p;
- return;
- }
- moving = 0;
- }
- void FigureEditor::clear()
- {
- QCanvasItemList list = canvas()->allItems();
- QCanvasItemList::Iterator it = list.begin();
- for (; it != list.end(); ++it) {
- if ( *it )
- delete *it;
- }
- }
- void FigureEditor::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
- {
- if ( moving ) {
- QPoint p = inverseWorldMatrix().map(e->pos());
- moving->moveBy(p.x() - moving_start.x(),
- p.y() - moving_start.y());
- moving_start = p;
- canvas()->update();
- }
- }
- BouncyLogo::BouncyLogo(QCanvas* canvas) :
- QCanvasSprite(0,canvas)
- {
- static QCanvasPixmapArray logo("qt-trans.xpm");
- setSequence(&logo);
- setAnimated(TRUE);
- initPos();
- }
- const int logo_rtti = 1234;
- int BouncyLogo::rtti() const
- {
- return logo_rtti;
- }
- void BouncyLogo::initPos()
- {
- initSpeed();
- int trial=1000;
- do {
- move(rand()%canvas()->width(),rand()%canvas()->height());
- advance(0);
- } while (trial-- && xVelocity()==0.0 && yVelocity()==0.0);
- }
- void BouncyLogo::initSpeed()
- {
- const double speed = 4.0;
- double d = (double)(rand()%1024) / 1024.0;
- setVelocity( d*speed*2-speed, (1-d)*speed*2-speed );
- }
- void BouncyLogo::advance(int stage)
- {
- switch ( stage ) {
- case 0: {
- double vx = xVelocity();
- double vy = yVelocity();
- if ( vx == 0.0 && vy == 0.0 ) {
- // stopped last turn
- initSpeed();
- vx = xVelocity();
- vy = yVelocity();
- }
- double nx = x() + vx;
- double ny = y() + vy;
- if ( nx < 0 || nx >= canvas()->width() )
- vx = -vx;
- if ( ny < 0 || ny >= canvas()->height() )
- vy = -vy;
- for (int bounce=0; bounce<4; bounce++) {
- QCanvasItemList l=collisions(FALSE);
- for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) {
- QCanvasItem *hit = *it;
- if ( hit->rtti()==logo_rtti && hit->collidesWith(this) ) {
- switch ( bounce ) {
- case 0:
- vx = -vx;
- break;
- case 1:
- vy = -vy;
- vx = -vx;
- break;
- case 2:
- vx = -vx;
- break;
- case 3:
- // Stop for this turn
- vx = 0;
- vy = 0;
- break;
- }
- setVelocity(vx,vy);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( x()+vx < 0 || x()+vx >= canvas()->width() )
- vx = 0;
- if ( y()+vy < 0 || y()+vy >= canvas()->height() )
- vy = 0;
- setVelocity(vx,vy);
- } break;
- case 1:
- QCanvasItem::advance(stage);
- break;
- }
- }
- static uint mainCount = 0;
- static QImage *butterflyimg;
- static QImage *logoimg;
- Main::Main(QCanvas& c, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) :
- QMainWindow(parent,name,f),
- canvas(c)
- {
- editor = new FigureEditor(canvas,this);
- QMenuBar* menu = menuBar();
- QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu( menu );
- file->insertItem("&Fill canvas", this, SLOT(init()), CTRL+Key_F);
- file->insertItem("&Erase canvas", this, SLOT(clear()), CTRL+Key_E);
- file->insertItem("&New view", this, SLOT(newView()), CTRL+Key_N);
- file->insertSeparator();
- file->insertItem("&Print", this, SLOT(print()), CTRL+Key_P);
- file->insertSeparator();
- file->insertItem("E&xit", qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q);
- menu->insertItem("&File", file);
- QPopupMenu* edit = new QPopupMenu( menu );
- edit->insertItem("Add &Circle", this, SLOT(addCircle()), ALT+Key_C);
- edit->insertItem("Add &Hexagon", this, SLOT(addHexagon()), ALT+Key_H);
- edit->insertItem("Add &Polygon", this, SLOT(addPolygon()), ALT+Key_P);
- edit->insertItem("Add Spl&ine", this, SLOT(addSpline()), ALT+Key_I);
- edit->insertItem("Add &Text", this, SLOT(addText()), ALT+Key_T);
- edit->insertItem("Add &Line", this, SLOT(addLine()), ALT+Key_L);
- edit->insertItem("Add &Rectangle", this, SLOT(addRectangle()), ALT+Key_R);
- edit->insertItem("Add &Sprite", this, SLOT(addSprite()), ALT+Key_S);
- edit->insertItem("Create &Mesh", this, SLOT(addMesh()), ALT+Key_M );
- edit->insertItem("Add &Alpha-blended image", this, SLOT(addButterfly()), ALT+Key_A);
- menu->insertItem("&Edit", edit);
- QPopupMenu* view = new QPopupMenu( menu );
- view->insertItem("&Enlarge", this, SLOT(enlarge()), SHIFT+CTRL+Key_Plus);
- view->insertItem("Shr&ink", this, SLOT(shrink()), SHIFT+CTRL+Key_Minus);
- view->insertSeparator();
- view->insertItem("&Rotate clockwise", this, SLOT(rotateClockwise()), CTRL+Key_PageDown);
- view->insertItem("Rotate &counterclockwise", this, SLOT(rotateCounterClockwise()), CTRL+Key_PageUp);
- view->insertItem("&Zoom in", this, SLOT(zoomIn()), CTRL+Key_Plus);
- view->insertItem("Zoom &out", this, SLOT(zoomOut()), CTRL+Key_Minus);
- view->insertItem("Translate left", this, SLOT(moveL()), CTRL+Key_Left);
- view->insertItem("Translate right", this, SLOT(moveR()), CTRL+Key_Right);
- view->insertItem("Translate up", this, SLOT(moveU()), CTRL+Key_Up);
- view->insertItem("Translate down", this, SLOT(moveD()), CTRL+Key_Down);
- view->insertItem("&Mirror", this, SLOT(mirror()), CTRL+Key_Home);
- menu->insertItem("&View", view);
- options = new QPopupMenu( menu );
- dbf_id = options->insertItem("Double buffer", this, SLOT(toggleDoubleBuffer()));
- options->setItemChecked(dbf_id, TRUE);
- menu->insertItem("&Options",options);
- menu->insertSeparator();
- QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu( menu );
- help->insertItem("&About", this, SLOT(help()), Key_F1);
- help->setItemChecked(dbf_id, TRUE);
- menu->insertItem("&Help",help);
- statusBar();
- setCentralWidget(editor);
- printer = 0;
- init();
- }
- void Main::init()
- {
- clear();
- static int r=24;
- srand(++r);
- mainCount++;
- butterflyimg = 0;
- logoimg = 0;
- int i;
- for ( i=0; i<canvas.width() / 56; i++) {
- addButterfly();
- }
- for ( i=0; i<canvas.width() / 85; i++) {
- addHexagon();
- }
- for ( i=0; i<canvas.width() / 128; i++) {
- addLogo();
- }
- }
- Main::~Main()
- {
- delete printer;
- if ( !--mainCount ) {
- delete[] butterflyimg;
- butterflyimg = 0;
- delete[] logoimg;
- logoimg = 0;
- }
- }
- void Main::newView()
- {
- // Open a new view... have it delete when closed.
- Main *m = new Main(canvas, 0, 0, WDestructiveClose);
- qApp->setMainWidget(m);
- m->show();
- qApp->setMainWidget(0);
- }
- void Main::clear()
- {
- editor->clear();
- }
- void Main::help()
- {
- static QMessageBox* about = new QMessageBox( "Qt Canvas Example",
- "<h3>The QCanvas classes example</h3>"
- "<ul>"
- "<li> Press ALT-S for some sprites."
- "<li> Press ALT-C for some circles."
- "<li> Press ALT-L for some lines."
- "<li> Drag the objects around."
- "<li> Read the code!"
- "</ul>", QMessageBox::Information, 1, 0, 0, this, 0, FALSE );
- about->setButtonText( 1, "Dismiss" );
- about->show();
- }
- void Main::aboutQt()
- {
- QMessageBox::aboutQt( this, "Qt Canvas Example" );
- }
- void Main::toggleDoubleBuffer()
- {
- bool s = !options->isItemChecked(dbf_id);
- options->setItemChecked(dbf_id,s);
- canvas.setDoubleBuffering(s);
- }
- void Main::enlarge()
- {
- canvas.resize(canvas.width()*4/3, canvas.height()*4/3);
- }
- void Main::shrink()
- {
- canvas.resize(canvas.width()*3/4, canvas.height()*3/4);
- }
- void Main::rotateClockwise()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.rotate( 22.5 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::rotateCounterClockwise()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.rotate( -22.5 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::zoomIn()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.scale( 2.0, 2.0 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::zoomOut()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.scale( 0.5, 0.5 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::mirror()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.scale( -1, 1 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::moveL()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.translate( -16, 0 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::moveR()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.translate( +16, 0 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::moveU()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.translate( 0, -16 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::moveD()
- {
- QWMatrix m = editor->worldMatrix();
- m.translate( 0, +16 );
- editor->setWorldMatrix( m );
- }
- void Main::print()
- {
- if ( !printer ) printer = new QPrinter;
- if ( printer->setup(this) ) {
- QPainter pp(printer);
- canvas.drawArea(QRect(0,0,canvas.width(),canvas.height()),&pp,FALSE);
- }
- }
- void Main::addSprite()
- {
- QCanvasItem* i = new BouncyLogo(&canvas);
- i->setZ(rand()%256);
- i->show();
- }
- QString butterfly_fn;
- QString logo_fn;
- void Main::addButterfly()
- {
- if ( butterfly_fn.isEmpty() )
- return;
- if ( !butterflyimg ) {
- butterflyimg = new QImage[4];
- butterflyimg[0].load( butterfly_fn );
- butterflyimg[1] = butterflyimg[0].smoothScale( int(butterflyimg[0].width()*0.75),
- int(butterflyimg[0].height()*0.75) );
- butterflyimg[2] = butterflyimg[0].smoothScale( int(butterflyimg[0].width()*0.5),
- int(butterflyimg[0].height()*0.5) );
- butterflyimg[3] = butterflyimg[0].smoothScale( int(butterflyimg[0].width()*0.25),
- int(butterflyimg[0].height()*0.25) );
- }
- QCanvasPolygonalItem* i = new ImageItem(butterflyimg[rand()%4],&canvas);
- i->move(rand()%(canvas.width()-butterflyimg->width()),
- rand()%(canvas.height()-butterflyimg->height()));
- i->setZ(rand()%256+250);
- i->show();
- }
- void Main::addLogo()
- {
- if ( logo_fn.isEmpty() )
- return;
- if ( !logoimg ) {
- logoimg = new QImage[4];
- logoimg[0].load( logo_fn );
- logoimg[1] = logoimg[0].smoothScale( int(logoimg[0].width()*0.75),
- int(logoimg[0].height()*0.75) );
- logoimg[2] = logoimg[0].smoothScale( int(logoimg[0].width()*0.5),
- int(logoimg[0].height()*0.5) );
- logoimg[3] = logoimg[0].smoothScale( int(logoimg[0].width()*0.25),
- int(logoimg[0].height()*0.25) );
- }
- QCanvasPolygonalItem* i = new ImageItem(logoimg[rand()%4],&canvas);
- i->move(rand()%(canvas.width()-logoimg->width()),
- rand()%(canvas.height()-logoimg->width()));
- i->setZ(rand()%256+256);
- i->show();
- }
- void Main::addCircle()
- {
- QCanvasPolygonalItem* i = new QCanvasEllipse(50,50,&canvas);
- i->setBrush( QColor(rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8) );
- i->move(rand()%canvas.width(),rand()%canvas.height());
- i->setZ(rand()%256);
- i->show();
- }
- void Main::addHexagon()
- {
- QCanvasPolygon* i = new QCanvasPolygon(&canvas);
- const int size = canvas.width() / 25;
- QPointArray pa(6);
- pa[0] = QPoint(2*size,0);
- pa[1] = QPoint(size,-size*173/100);
- pa[2] = QPoint(-size,-size*173/100);
- pa[3] = QPoint(-2*size,0);
- pa[4] = QPoint(-size,size*173/100);
- pa[5] = QPoint(size,size*173/100);
- i->setPoints(pa);
- i->setBrush( QColor(rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8) );
- i->move(rand()%canvas.width(),rand()%canvas.height());
- i->setZ(rand()%256);
- i->show();
- }
- void Main::addPolygon()
- {
- QCanvasPolygon* i = new QCanvasPolygon(&canvas);
- const int size = canvas.width()/2;
- QPointArray pa(6);
- pa[0] = QPoint(0,0);
- pa[1] = QPoint(size,size/5);
- pa[2] = QPoint(size*4/5,size);
- pa[3] = QPoint(size/6,size*5/4);
- pa[4] = QPoint(size*3/4,size*3/4);
- pa[5] = QPoint(size*3/4,size/4);
- i->setPoints(pa);
- i->setBrush( QColor(rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8) );
- i->move(rand()%canvas.width(),rand()%canvas.height());
- i->setZ(rand()%256);
- i->show();
- }
- void Main::addSpline()
- {
- QCanvasSpline* i = new QCanvasSpline(&canvas);
- const int size = canvas.width()/6;
- QPointArray pa(12);
- pa[0] = QPoint(0,0);
- pa[1] = QPoint(size/2,0);
- pa[2] = QPoint(size,size/2);
- pa[3] = QPoint(size,size);
- pa[4] = QPoint(size,size*3/2);
- pa[5] = QPoint(size/2,size*2);
- pa[6] = QPoint(0,size*2);
- pa[7] = QPoint(-size/2,size*2);
- pa[8] = QPoint(size/4,size*3/2);
- pa[9] = QPoint(0,size);
- pa[10]= QPoint(-size/4,size/2);
- pa[11]= QPoint(-size/2,0);
- i->setControlPoints(pa);
- i->setBrush( QColor(rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8) );
- i->move(rand()%canvas.width(),rand()%canvas.height());
- i->setZ(rand()%256);
- i->show();
- }
- void Main::addText()
- {
- QCanvasText* i = new QCanvasText(&canvas);
- i->setText("QCanvasText");
- i->move(rand()%canvas.width(),rand()%canvas.height());
- i->setZ(rand()%256);
- i->show();
- }
- void Main::addLine()
- {
- QCanvasLine* i = new QCanvasLine(&canvas);
- i->setPoints( rand()%canvas.width(), rand()%canvas.height(),
- rand()%canvas.width(), rand()%canvas.height() );
- i->setPen( QPen(QColor(rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8), 6) );
- i->setZ(rand()%256);
- i->show();
- }
- void Main::addMesh()
- {
- int x0 = 0;
- int y0 = 0;
- if ( !tb ) tb = new QBrush( Qt::red );
- if ( !tp ) tp = new QPen( Qt::black );
- int nodecount = 0;
- int w = canvas.width();
- int h = canvas.height();
- const int dist = 30;
- int rows = h / dist;
- int cols = w / dist;
- QProgressDialog progress( "Creating mesh...", "Abort", rows,
- this, "progress", TRUE );
- #endif
- QMemArray<NodeItem*> lastRow(cols);
- for ( int j = 0; j < rows; j++ ) {
- int n = j%2 ? cols-1 : cols;
- NodeItem *prev = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- NodeItem *el = new NodeItem( &canvas );
- nodecount++;
- int r = rand();
- int xrand = r %20;
- int yrand = (r/20) %20;
- el->move( xrand + x0 + i*dist + (j%2 ? dist/2 : 0 ),
- yrand + y0 + j*dist );
- if ( j > 0 ) {
- if ( i < cols-1 )
- (new EdgeItem( lastRow[i], el, &canvas ))->show();
- if ( j%2 )
- (new EdgeItem( lastRow[i+1], el, &canvas ))->show();
- else if ( i > 0 )
- (new EdgeItem( lastRow[i-1], el, &canvas ))->show();
- }
- if ( prev ) {
- (new EdgeItem( prev, el, &canvas ))->show();
- }
- if ( i > 0 ) lastRow[i-1] = prev;
- prev = el;
- el->show();
- }
- lastRow[n-1]=prev;
- progress.setProgress( j );
- if ( progress.wasCancelled() )
- break;
- #endif
- }
- progress.setProgress( rows );
- #endif
- // qDebug( "%d nodes, %d edges", nodecount, EdgeItem::count() );
- }
- void Main::addRectangle()
- {
- QCanvasPolygonalItem *i = new QCanvasRectangle( rand()%canvas.width(),rand()%canvas.height(),
- canvas.width()/5,canvas.width()/5,&canvas);
- int z = rand()%256;
- i->setBrush( QColor(z,z,z) );
- i->setPen( QPen(QColor(rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8,rand()%32*8), 6) );
- i->setZ(z);
- i->show();
- }